

HeatMosaic is a web application designed for visualizing the uncertainty in disaster data provided by IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge, 2019. VAST Challenge is an annual contest with the goal of advancing the field of visual analytics through competition. Each year, they provide 3 mini chanllenges with a stythetic dataset. In the summer of 2019, I teamed up with Zheng Zhou, PhD. and our advisors Yingjie Victor Chen, PhD. and Zhenyu Cheryl Qian, PhD. to work on mini challenge 1.

The project took us a few weekends and nights from mid July to mid August 2019 as a side project. The tech stack we were using is React/D3/Python Django. We won the Hornable Mension Award for Visualization of Uncertainty at the IEEE VIS Conference 2019.

